Tuesday, November 8, 2011

SoMe CoMPliCaTiOn

Alright.... I've got a rant! This week, Google+ opened the doors for businesses to promote themselves on Google+ using Google+ Pages. That was fantastic news! We've been long waiting for this for a while now. I went straight to Google and tried to set up a company page for the firm that I work for.

Now, here's the tricky part. Most larger companies, including ours, have their social media accounts managed by someone other than the company owner, President, CEO, etc. In trying to set up the Google+ Page, I learned that you have to have a regular Google+ profile page. What?!! We already have a Gmail account so we can utilize Google Analytics... but I don't want to create a "John Doe" or "Jane Doe" Google+ personal profile page in order to set up a Google+ business page. Not only does that seem silly... but it creates a page of erroneous information that I now have to manage.

Does anyone else see the insanity in this? It's added complication for business social media management! #justsaying

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