I was driving along the highway yesterday on my way to work and I passed by a plain white van parked on the side of the road. The van, surrounded by men wearing day-glo green vests, obviously belonged to some kind of government funded program to clean up the trash on the side of the road. You wouldn't necessarily know this by the lack of a business name/logo on the van, but WHO ELSE cleans up the trash by the side of the highway!?
Anyway, I was surprised that the driver had parked right next to a guard rail which made the van stick out significantly into our lane. Everyone driving in my direction had to swerve around the van, thus ending up in the lane of oncoming traffic! DUH da duh duh duh! Now, had the driver of the van parked 20-30 feet closer OR farther... he would have cleared the end of the guard rail entirely and would have been able to park the van so that it was not impeding in our lane at all. I guess there was just too much trash to pick up RIGHT THERE, huh?
Fast forward to the end of the day... I am driving home along the same route in the reverse direction. I see the big white trash bags filled with debris on the side of the road. As I passed by one of them... I noticed a great deal of trash just a few feet from the nicely tied, white trash bag. It made me question just what the work ethic is like for those folks who are doing that job... although I suppose it isn't that hard to figure out, is it? Would it be that hard to grab another white trash bag and pick up the glass, cans, plastic and paper that was within 3-10 feet of where you placed a full bag of trash? A full bag of trash indicates that you cleaned the area... that things are now right with nature and you've taken care of it. On the contrary, there was trash everywhere.
What was the supervisor doing!? Oh right... he was parking the van next to a guard rail so drivers would focus on the van in their lane and not the leftover trash! :-/